A Global Leadership Learning Journey

Tandem is ODI’s Global Executive Leadership Programme which seeks to contribute to tackling global challenges by fostering transformative leadership and an interconnected network of inspirational leaders motivated to address the most pressing humanitarian challenges.

Our Programme Objectives

The Tandem Executive Leadership Programme aims to work with two cohorts of senior humanitarian leaders to improve their skill and confidence as a leader. By the end of the Tandem programme, participants will be able to:

Reflect on their personal values, motivations and resilience in relation to their role as a leader

Demonstrate an awareness of their own power and positionality, and how this impacts on their role as a leader

Create a team environment that supports innovation, collaboration and effective decision-making for improved programme outcomes

Use communication skills and emotional intelligence to resolve conflicts and influence direction

Anticipate and respond strategically to challenges facing their organisation

Develop and demonstrate the application of their personal leadership ethos

Assemble a professional network of senior humanitarian and development leaders

Our Course Modules

Tandem is ODI’s Global Executive Leadership Programme which seeks to contribute to tackling global challenges by fostering transformative leadership and an interconnected network of inspirational leaders motivated to address the most pressing humanitarian challenges.